Nga Korero Ahumahi

Ko te kaupapa mahi o te tatau karati mamao(1)


Ko te tatau karati mamaokei te whakahaere aunoatia e te kaupapa rorohiko moroiti, he ngawari ki te whakamahi.Ko te tatau karati mamaoKa taea te mahi aunoa kia rite ki te mana mamao. He turanga putaiao. He puna torsion kei roto. Te torsion ote tatau karati mamaohe rite ki te taimaha o te tinana tatau, kia ko te tinana tatau i roto i te "kore taimaha" āhua, a ka rere i te wēra i roto i te ara, na he iti te ātete, tiaki free nekeneke tika nāianei, kaha kaha, mahi pūmau, whakahuri mowhiti me te whakakā taputapu aorangi, te whakamohiotanga huānga o te Hall, te pupuhi. Tangohia te kuaha karati zhongqida hei tauira. Ko te tatau mamao o te karati me tautoko e te motuka, engari ko te waa e whakamahia ana ko te mea e kiia ana he AC. Ko nga hoa kua ako i te ahupūngao ka mohio ko tenei kaupapa mahi e hiahia ana kia honoa nga hiko pai me te kino ki te hiko. Mena ka huri te motuka ki te huarahi pai, ka ara ake te kuaha karati me te huri ke.

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